Saturday 23 June 2012

NECO 2012 Account Cheat

I'm sure the subscribers of this package knew the only subject i've disappointed so far was Agric Practical and Geography.

Aldo, i'm sorry about that but i'm proud to be active on Phy, Chem, Maths and Eng.
If you were doughting me then you had missed alot.

My suggestion for ppl like that is to go and enroll for Private WAEC and count on me.

To my ppl, Monday is another day. The Lord shall be with us.

To does who compain about tym'in. I'm sorry. It was neva like this durring WAEC but it beta late than NEVA.


Saturday 16 June 2012

NECO 2012 Mathematics Cheat

Dew to the inability of texting some mathematical symbols, we’ll employ you to learn and understand the ff, in order to understand and interpret the Maths when it’s been text to you.
-        Index/raise to power (^) : this means that whatever you see after is raised to the power of the 1st equation before it. 34^2 . . . . means 34 raised to the power of 2.
-        Multiplication is *
-        Division is /
-        When you see a comma (,) then you are to move to the next line. M + 24 = 35, M = 35 -24, M = 11
Means :
M + 24 = 35
M = 35 -24
M = 11
-        Please revise Indices very well. It will help you interpret the Maths when it’s been text to you.

NECO 2012 cheat

I’m sorry to tell you that I’m tired of explaining this every time on phone. I’ll be glad if you’ll read this carefully and understand.
I’m not one of those who scam’z in the name of exam cheat. It’s difficult to get an exam question before the exam. Gona d dayz! If someone clams to have a question before the exam day, its 98% of the time scam. I’ll not say 100% b’cous anything can happen.
The only time the paper lick’z, is when the bank had dispatched questions to the supervisors.  
But if you are not convinced then you are OYO. Just remember I warned you.
The only way but hard way is for you to sneak a small-value phone into the exam and expect the answers to be forwarded to your phone. The objective and theory.
Note: the phone must be in silence (not vibration), u keep checking every 5mins.
My bill is 6000naira.
Is it too much?
6000 / 8subject = 750naira
5000naira for internet subscription
I’ll buy question
Pay does that will solve the question
Movement and stress
Each subject takes 30 – 60 pages of text (objective and theory)

But because the practical are no more part of this you can pay 5000naira (that’s at the rate of 625naira. You can imagine how cheap this is)
If you don’t have that kind of money then you can pick some, which you need most.
Maths and English will cost you 900naira each, while Biology, Physics, and chemistry cost 800 and other subject cost 700 each

Wednesday 13 June 2012

NECO 2012 (Internal): Biology Paritical

I'm very sorry this post came late. I was very busy. I'm sorry.

Note that wat you are going to see right now is not the 2012 NECO question but most likely question. This is been set with the specimen given to schools.

But i'm sure 90% of wat you about to see is comming out.

Monday 11 June 2012

NECO 2012 (Internal): Chemistry Paritical

Note that wat you are going to see right now is not the 2012 NECO question but most likely question. This is been set with the specimen given to schools.

But i'm sure 85% of wat you about to see is comming out.

Saturday 9 June 2012

NECO 2012 (Internal): Biology Paritical (Specimens)

A    Rat
B    Earthworm
C    Spider
D    Snail
E    Weevil
F    Margarine
G    Glucose Solution
H    Suscrose Solution
I    Egg albumen
J    Molar Tooth
K    Incissors
L    Canine
M    Dry pod of pride of Barbados
N    Guava Fruit
O    Orange Fruit
P    Mango Fruit
Q    Dry Okro Fruit


R    Benedict Solution
S    Iodine Solution
T    Millon's reagent
U    Dilute HCl

Keep to this site and you'll be aware when we'll be posting our like-ly questions and answers for this subject.
The good news is that 90% of our questions and answers had always tally with the exam set, in the past. 

If you need personal assistance during this exam just call me.



NECO 2012 (Internal): Agricultural Science Paritical (Specimens)

A    Go-To-Hell
B    Hoe
C    Egg Tray
D    Feeding Through
E    Wood Shavings
F    Arrow/pins
G    Snail
H    Termite
I    Earthworm
J    NPK Fertilizer
K    Poultry Dropping
L    Lime (Calcium Carbonate)
M    Tomato fruit
N    Citrus Fruit
O    Cassava Tuber
P    Onion
Q    Milk (Evaporated)
R    Egg
S    Animal Skin

Keep to this site and you'll be aware when we'll be posting our like-ly questions and answers for this subject.
The good news is that 90% of our questions and answers had always tally with the exam set, in the past. 

If you need personal assistance during this exam just call me.

